This Week on LinkedIn Live Morra Sits Down With Nihar Chhaya
Reflecting and Goal Setting: How to Do It
It's that time of year: time to reflect on 2023, and set intentions and goals for 2024. I take this practice very seriously, and will share reflection prompts each day in December for us to work on together.
Here's a great prompt, shared with me today by Jeff Dewing:
Name one task you love doing in your current role
Name one task you never want to do again
Join me and Nihar Chhaya, MBA, MCC as we share our practices for reflection and goal setting... and we'd love you to share yours!
Setting goals is important- but goals need to be well-defined and they should be informed by reflection and intentionality. According to Goucher College, Goal Setting:
1. Improves your self-image (or the self-image of the group).
2. Makes you aware of your strengths, which can be used to overcome obstacles and
provide solutions to problems. (The same is true for the group.)
3. Makes you aware of your weaknesses so you can begin to improve them and make
them into your strengths.
4. Gives you a sense of past victories and provides a stimulus for present successes.
5. Helps you visualize. Plans actions to achieve goals you set and then carry them out.
6. Gives you a track to run on so you can see where you have to go.
7. Forces you to set priorities. Priorities establish direction to your pursuits.
8. Defines reality and separates it from wishful thinking.
9. Makes you responsible for your own life. Makes your group responsible for its own
success or failure.
10. Serves as a criterion to sharpen decision making.