The Anxious Achiever
Blog & Newsletter Archive
Editors, journalists, and podcasters: connect with Morra here.
Dan Ariely On How To Cultivate Resilience In A Tough Job Market
Resilience has become a buzzword, but what does it actually mean? What does it look like in practice? How do you build it? Renowned behavioral scientist Dan Ariely offers valuable insights into the nature of resilience and practical ways to cultivate it, particularly in the context of job hunting and career setbacks.
My 5 Strategies For Better Mental Health At Work
This week: My five strategies for improving mental health at work, based on my latest article for Harvard Business Review. If you're working on implementing workplace mental health programs, let me know what you think.
Killing It at Work But Still Worried? You Might Be an ‘Anxious Overachiever.’
Morra interviewed by Bloomberg to discuss how corporate cultures exacerbate employee anxiety to an unhealthy degree and how quitting isn’t always the answer.
SHRM: Meeting Mental Health Needs Across Generations
Morra interviewed by SHRM to discuss Meeting Mental Health Needs Across Generations.
Morra featured by IMD Business School Magazine
Morra and Alyson sit down and discuss how anxiety often gets a bad rap. Yet for millennia, it has arguably helped keep us alive. It can also be a huge motivating factor that pushes us to excel. For this reason, many high achievers are known to experience anxiety
Anxious Achiever is #3 in Next Big Idea Club’s top 23 leadership books of 2023
The rankings are based on the most popular “Book Bite” audio summaries in the Next Big Idea App. In other words, they are 2023’s best leadership books, according to our tens of thousands of app users.
Are You An Anxious Achiever? Turn Your Fears Into Your Standout Strength
Morra recently sat down with Kathy Caprino on LinkedIn talking about Anxiety at the workplace as part of Kathy’s series “Becoming The Most Powerful and Confident You.”
When Bringing Your ‘Whole Self’ to Work Is Too Much.
Morra is featured on The Wall Street Journal! She speaks about how to set boundaries on what you share with your co-workers.
The pandemic made many of us more comfortable talking about our mental health at work, surveys show. Feeling less pressure to act like we’ve got it all together, some people now swap struggles with burnout and impostor syndrome almost as freely as they talk about sore joints after a weekend 5k.
Perfectionism holding you back? 3 ways to shift the habit
So what’s driving your perfectionism? Is it about proving your worth to others? Is it about avoiding feelings of shame or judgment?
How to Respond When an Employee Shares a Mental Health Challenge
Morra is highlighted in Harvard Business Review and talks about what should you do if your employee comes to you with a mental health challenge?